Thursday, July 28, 2011

Still not able to post photos

I have yet to figure out how to post my photos but I am not a quiter, I'll figure it out yet. Thanks for all your help. Gina I do post with but can not find the add button. A few times I have noticed a spot for edit photo or add photo but since I had no photos I did not access it, wish I had now but I will not give up. If all else fails I will ask my Computer Guru son for help. He is great with them but my problem is I do not know what he is talking about when he tries to help. Sorry to say I am a show me learner. HA HA. Part of being in the older generation. I am great with a calculator now but when I tell the kids now " I had trouble in Chemistry Class in school cause my Slide Rule lied to me. " they have no idea of what I am talking about. Generation Gap I guess. But seriously THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR HELP. When I do get it figured out you will get tired of my photos, I have quite a collection. Even more in the last 5 years in the Photo Lab at Wal-Mart.


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