Sunday, April 17, 2011

Getting to know you Sunday! - on Sunday

I can not believe it but I am actually posting this on Sunday, not Wednesday as usual but here goes.

1. what's something you've eaten and liked but didn't think you would?

I will never forget the first time I tried fried okra, I did not want it but was in a situation where I could not politely refuse it. I am so glad I tried it now, it is one of our staples and one of the few vegetables I can get down Jerry. I still have not tried Calf Fries or Raw Oysters, and that is NOT going to happen.

2. plastic surgery .... yea or ney?

If it is a MAJOR REPAIR (cleft palette, bad scar repair or burn) I could understand and be for that, but for these teenagers wanting to look like Barbie when they are beautiful already I really feel sorry for them and wonder what they are going to look like when they are my age.

3. two things you love about spring are ..... ?

The New Beginings, baby animals (chicks, ducks and birds) and plants budding. Along with the nicer weather, other than the tornados. Living in Tornado Alley all my life, they do not bother me but I do watch the sky real close the end of April til the end of June.

4. when was the last time you went on a picnic?

So long ago I can't remember when it was. I have such fond memories of taking my young boys to the park or Palo Duro Canyon for a picnic and fun. I had forgotten how much fun it was. Guess what I am planning for Jerry and me for next weekend. I wonder if our phones will work down in the canyon. I will let you know next time.

5. what's your favorite app?

With my LOVE for photos and my youngest son making a BIG, BIG move with his family (taking my youngest GRANDson so far away) I will be using FLICKER a lot more then even before.

6. who does the grocery shopping in your house?

Sorry to say we both do it together, if I go by myself I come back with all the JUNK FOOD we do not need and if Jerry goes he comes back with nothing. He says all the stuff we do not need but then gripes cause there is nothing to fix for Dinner, but together we do fair to get what we need. HA HA

7. would you rather take a spin class or zumba?

I will have to get back to you on that one, I have done some research today and still have not the fogiest idea what these classes are. Even reading the others answers I can not figure out what a spin or zumba class are.

8. how often do you go out to dinner?

Sorry to say it is toooo much. Like I have said, I am not much of a cook but I get by. It is just to easy to run by Burger King or Pizza Hut and grab supper. And I really do enjoy going out for a quiet Supper at a nice restaurant at least twice a month, if I can get Jerry to go, he just wants to go get something and take it home. Oh well I am still working on him.

Well there are my answers for this week and I do hope you have had a SAFE and BLESSED WEEKEND. LOVE TO YOU ALL.

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