Monday, April 4, 2011

Getting to know you Sunday!

These are the questions I found on another blog. THANKS JEN

1. do you weigh yourself? No, I usually get the BAD news when I have to make a Dr visit. Here lately it has been staying fairly stable. As most women my age it would be better if it was about 40 lbs. less. Need to get back to Square Dancing to take care of it.

2. what is the nastiest thing you have ever tasted? It is hard to decide, I fairly much eat anything that won't eat me first. I guess anything with liver in it, when I was pregnant both times I got very anemic and the Dr needed to build me up so he wanted me to eat liver. I tried real hard but finally told them they would have to give me iron in pills or shots but I could not keep the liver down. Still.can not stand liver.

3. snail mail or email? I have never been able to write letters because of me spelling and I have never been good about sending cards. I do remember everyone's birthday and anniversary (sometimes a day late) but I do have good thoughts about them on their special days. Now that I'm getting better with my phone (stupid SWIPE) maybe I can be better on the emailed GOOD THOUGHTS about them.

4. do you have any irrational fears ........ what are they? I can honestly say "I have no FEAR". As a small child the first Bible verse I can remember hearing is " I DID NOT GIVE YOU THE SPIRIT OF FEAR " so to me fear is of the DEVIL and I will not accept it. There are a lot of thing I should fear but I don't, I just let GOD take care of them. I just realized I got a lot of that from my MOM, when I was growing up a lot of the time it was just to two of us cause DAD was off working jobs out of town. She was one very special lady and I wish I were more like her. THANKS MOM FOR THE FOUNDATION YOU GAVE ME.

5. do you play an instrument? Not any more, I took piano lessons and played the cello in grade school and switched to the clarinet in Jr High. I really enjoyed the Marching Band time. Some day I would really like to take guitar lessons just for my own pleasure.

6. would you rather be bitten by a snake or attacked by a bear? That's a hard question to answer, I guess bitten by a snake. I do not like snakes of any kind (even ones that do not bite) but he would bite then go away and I could tend to it where the bear would stay and keep on biting til I died. Yes I do believe I would rather a snake would bite me then a bear. I must say though I do not even like rubber snakes, when I was a merchandiser for Nationmark, a toy distributer, part of my job was to straighten up the toy isles of all three Albertson's in Amarillo, I had my sons go in and pick up all the snakes for me and put them where they were suppose to be cause I did not like to even touch them. THANKS GUYS FOR YOUR HELP.

7. do you ever go braless in public? No Way, I do not even go braless at home.

8. today I am thankful for ..... ? My family, my boys, my parents and the LOVE MY GOD HAS FOR ME!!!


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