Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today is a mixed up day

I am so excited right now. I am on my break at work and I just realized I have TEN followers now. I love my family so very much and I feel toward my follower just the same WE ARE ALL JUST ONE BIG FAMILY and my followers mean so much to me. I know you all and visit your blogs at least twice a day, even if I don't comment each visit. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING MY FRIENDS. Have to run and get back to printing all those wonderful pictures, will writ.more at lunch or when I get off tonight.


  1. Hi there! Congratulations on your new followers . It's exciting, isn't it?! Don't work too hard. I'm just off to bed as it's 10.40 pm here in England.

  2. Rainbow,
    Congrats on the followers :) my other blog before people caused drama I had 86 in short time. Hang in there go to the hops and you will get followers. Hope your day at work is great.

    Rainbow (Gina)

  3. Congrats on those awesome followers! They are a super blessing I know cause your one of mine and you bless me always. Hope you ahve a great evening and wonderful tomorrow.

  4. Ten becomes 15, becomes 25, becomes 50, and so on. It's how we all started!! Good for you!
