Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Getting to know you Sunday - a little late

Spotted this on another blog and wanted to participate but was having trouble with my phone. HOPE YOU ENJOY!

1. if you won the title of miss America what would your platform be? After the 12th my 2 year old GRANDson was in his first PROTEST MARCH in Austin. His Momma and Dada are both teachers. I never dreamed the state was considering cutting education funding. That is our future they are dealing with and it really scares me. PLEASE KEEP OUR LEGISLATORS AND EDUCATORS IN YOUR PRAYERS.

2. outdoorsy or indoorsy? When the boys were home I was definitely outdoorsy but now my couch is very inviting after work.

3. pajamas out in public classy or tree tacky? DOUBLE TACKY and very disgusting.

4. what is you favorite room in your house? My house - Living Room in front of our 50" TV. My sister's house - defiantly her Kitchen.

5. nook, kindle or book? Have never been much of a reader (but thanks to Jen and Ginger I am getting better) books are a whole new world to me and I have started reading more than I have ever read in my life. I think I would enjoy a Kindle very much so it is now on my wish list for some day. Soon I hope, maybe next bonus check.

6. would you rather ware the same outfit for a week or not brush your teeth for a week? No way could I stand to go a week without brushing my teeth, I would go NUTS!

7. favorite blog at the moment. Of course (my GRANDson's blog), Following the Footsteps ( and a new one to me (we are so much alike it is scary, except she is just starting her family and my boys are all grown with sons of their own).

8. lately i've been daydreaming about ......... How much FUN I will have when I get to retire and be a FULL TIME GRANDMA like my folks were. I can't help but feel my GRANDsons are missing out especially the two that live close to me. I want to be with them so much and there just is no time with me working most nights 1 - 10. Guys Mamaw is trying to be there for you and I do LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH. I am so proud of all you do and all you are. Mom and Dad are doing a GOOD JOB.

So there are my answers, now you know a little more about me.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, boo on the state for thinking about cutting education funds. As a former teacher and mother of an about-to-be-kindergartener, I am amazed by how often we disregard education and instead give our money to making wooden arrows and other probably noble projects, but no where near as noble as our education...and we wonder why we are so far behind everyone else? Okay, off my soapbox now. Although just for the record, I could go all day on that one.

    Secondly, thank you so much for saying sweet things about my blog. I love your blog too! And we are so much alike.

    Third, I also hope that you are able to retire soon to spend more time with your g-kids. My mother is a stay-at-home grandma (and a stay-at-home mom for us) and lives only a few miles away, and she is SUCH a BIG blessing to our family.

    Hope you have a happy and blessed day! Enjoy! =)
