Saturday, February 5, 2011

Explination of the last post

I just found the EDIT POST and found all those posts I thought I had posted but did not get it done. Boy, did I have a lot of them. That one was from Feb 2nd so sorry for the mess up. I still have one more I still want to post even if it was from Christmas Day. I was at Gerry's Home and he was HELPING. THANKS SON

1 comment:

  1. You'll get there! I am just thrilled to see you writing.

    We had THREE broken pipes. Two of them from our washer too. Thank fully we were able to get my Father in law to help us and now we have running water again! I was just so thankful that it didn't leak in the house AND that they were exposed pipes which made them easy to get too!! Hope you get some answers from your insurance company! I agree ICE and Snow are NO FUN!!! I'll take our triple digit temps in the summer ANYDAY!! Hang in there! I know how frustrating not having water can be!!
